FAB16: The annual Fab Lab gathering this year is in Montréal
The theme of FAB16 is “Fabricating the Commons”
Fab16 Montréal is the annual global gathering of Fab Labs organized by the Center for Bits & Atoms at MIT, the Fab Foundation and the Fab Lab network in Canada. This year's conference theme is “Fabricating the Commons”, finding ways to collectively work toward the common good: sustainable and inclusive living, sustainable manufacturing, sustainable resources, sustainable cities working toward a sustainable planet through the lens of digital fabrication and technology development.

Fiore Basile was an inspiring and instrumental member of the Fab Lab Network, managing the IT infrastructure for fablabs.io, Fab Foundation, and Academany programs. He also co-founded the innovative Fabricademy course and supported the growth of the global Fab Lab network. Fiore always saw Academany graduation as an important step in bringing new individuals into the Fab Lab network. Academy Graduation is a time when the community embraces students’ achievements and welcomes them to the network and to a world of opportunities, enabled by their pursuit of how to make (almost) anything!

His dream was to have ALL of the atoms of all graduates from around the world attend the FABx conference, after
spending 6 months of classes together as online bits. In the spirit of the course, the goal is to covert bits into atoms.

Our goal is to receive at least $20,000 to fund travel for Academany graduates from all over the world.

Other ways to contribute

You can also make a difference by giving your time!

Share on Social networks

Promote the campaign to all your contacts on social networks. Post something about it in your blog or community newsletter. Talk to your friends.

Volunteer for the campaign

Help promoting the campaign to potential sponsors and collecting donations.
Talk to the FAB16 team and learn how you can help.

Organise a Fundrising Event

Workshops and events are quick ways to collect funds for a group donation.
You could also try to make and sell Fab Lab made gadgets

Frequently Asked Questions

How can students apply to the scholarship?

Students should fill the application form.

How many students are you going to support?

Based on the donations received, we aim to support at least 20 students.

Which expenses will be covered?

We will cover travel and accomodation expenses for the students. The conference ticket will be covered by their Fab Academy tuition fees.

How will beneficiaries be selected?

The grant will be received by Fab Academy and Fabricademy graduates only. Students can also be proposed by their local mentors for their merit and a final selection, based on funds available, will be made by the course coordinators. It's also possible to apply using this application form.

Is my donation providing me a tax discount?

The donation is received by the Fab Foundation, a US non-profit 501(c) 3 organization. Please check the rules in your country for donations in favour of US based non-profits.